Bernard & Cuthbert's
semi-independent accommodation for looked after young people and care leavers aged 16–24yrs old.
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Our staff members are trained and experienced in supporting young people to successfully move into total independence.
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Training in safeguarding vulnerable young people and adults is mandatory for all our staff.
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Our Aims


To offer a service that empowers our  young person to be able to live independently by the time they leave our establishment.


To work in collaboration with the Local Authorities in their duty to promote the welfare of young people and care leavers, by providing sufficient accommodation that meets their needs, therefore ensuring improved outcomes.


To support young people in our care to achieve their maximum potential.

Our Vision

is to offer our young people:

Through collaborative working with other agencies, Bernard & Cuthbert’s offers a service to young people with low to high support needs, who may require additional support in relation to:

Emotional Wellbeing
Substance Misuse
Mental Health
Behavioural Difficulties
Education, Employment & Training
Independent Living Skills
Access to Community Services